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Project : Gas Turbine Testing

Technical Data

Datascan Network

5 x 7010

5 X 7220

2 X7221

2 X 7321

17 X 7027

2 X 7050

1 X 7020

1 X 7031


Channel Input Output Total   Customer: ABB Gas Turbine Japan
Analog 392 16 408   Signal Monitored:
Digital 8   8  
240 Thermocouples, 32 RTD's, 96 Pressure(4-20ma)
Total 400 16 416  
24 isolated analogue inputs, 8 digital inputs
Computer Platform - 486 PC  
16 analogue outputs for parallel output to chart recorder
Software: Labtech Control for Windows OS: Windows

Overview of application

ABB needed a data acquisition system for a total of more than 400 hardware channels to be delivered within 3 weeks and ready to run within 5 weeks.

Due to a highly distributed topology the system provided required a total of 13 network nodes. Channel to channel isolation of around 200 V was required for the thermocouple inputs, this was provided by the 7027 Reed relay module.

The system is used to monitor the operation of a gas turbine, and acquire all necessary data to calculate the efficiency of the turbine. This requires very high precision instruments. The gas turbine in Kawasaki is used mainly for demonstration purposes and usually runs less than 12 hours, at times all 400 channels need to be acquired within 5 minutes (80 channels per second). The software, Labtech Control for Windows, is used to calculate the different calibration polynomials for the pressure transmitters and the RTD's (total of approximately 70 polynomials) and to allow alarm monitoring and on-line visualisation.

Datascan was chosen for its high precision, and long term stability due to the in built automatic calibration facility as well as its networking flexibility and fast and easy installation less than 5 weeks).